All of the Fun and None of the Fat

4:03 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

I love to cook. I love everything about it....the shopping, the chopping, the smells in the kitchen, setting the table and sitting down across from my friends and family and digging in. Some days I'm just too busy to do it all from scratch. But there are lots of easy ways to fake it! Here's one of my "go-tos" that we call Chicken Bake. Not a fancy name but a simple, delicious dinner. Three ingredients!

1. Skinless Chicken Breast
2. Bag of frozen veggies
3. Can of Soup

Heat oven to 375 degrees. Place the chicken breasts in a baking dish and dump in the veggies and cover with the soup, pepper to taste. Cook for about 45 minutes.

You can vary this dish in so many ways! Try Southwestern veggies, corn, peppers, beans and a similar type soup - I opt for low-sodium versions and serve over rice. Or Italian style with tomatoes and beans and serve over pasta. My favorite is broccoli and cauliflower with fresh mushrooms and a low-cal cream of mushroom soup. So rich and delicious! I eat mine with a toasted whole wheat muffin. Give it try! What other variations can you come up with?