November's Resolutions

8:21 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

Why wait two months to make changes and get what you want out of life or be the person you want to be. Start now! A weekend of mini Milky Way bars and pints of dark beer are enough of a motivation for me. I love both of those things and I intend to enjoy them. However, there is a catch. Moderation! That's right. A little here, a little there. Moderating is like balancing - something we are always striving for - it keeps us aware and engaged and constantly tweaking our lives. If we found absolutely balance we'd stop moving - if we always lived moderately we'd be bored. I had an amazing weekend in Astoria at the CrossCrusade cyclocross races with Andrew and a group of our friends. Everyone was there to race hard, laugh and cheer, celebrate, kick back and have fun. I took the weekend off from my own athletics to support Andrew in his. (He did super great too - top finishes!) On our way home on Sunday I emptied my coat pockets of bottle caps and silver wrappers and planned my attack to level the scale - probably quite literally:) I'd been thinking my routine need a shake up. My workouts didn't seen to actually be "working". They seemed hard to get through and failing to produce results. I'd also picked up a naughty habit of grabbing a handful of malted milk balls each time I went through the grocery store. (I've been know to run to store more than once a day.) So, after a restful couple of days sweetened with Halloween candy and hops I'm ready to set some November Resolutions!

#1 Only 7 pieces of chocolate a week! My name is Remy and I'm a chocoholic. I was up to nearly 30! I think this resolution will make me feel a lot better - maybe a little lighter - but if it doesn't I'll re-evaluate next month. (Just in time for cookies and pie:)

#2 30 minutes of Strength training using CHALLENGING weights 3 x a week. You'd think working in a gym that this wouldn't be a problem but I just seemed to find something else to do. (Like go to the grocery store)

#3 I won't just "do" cardiovascular exercise - I'll make it work!! I'm starting Metabolic/Lactic Treshhold cardio training this month. I've set a weekly plan of action and plan to stick to it. Tomorrow I'm putting myself through a Fitness Performance Assessment and will see great improvements by years end! I will keep getting better and faster and stronger because I will keep setting goals and I will always keep trying.

What are you're November's Resolutions?