When a Women Becomes Her Own Best Friend...

11:11 AM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

...Life is Easier.

I have this Diane von Furstenburg quote displayed on a collage I made near my bed. I read it often and believe it must be true. I must admit I'm not living that truth, yet. The New Year brings lots of talk of resolutions and change and a desire to live life as a slightly better version of ourselves. There is nothing I want more than this...to be my own best friend...to make life easier. What are best friends for? A best friend is someone you can always count on, to support your dreams and help you see them come true. She celebrates with you, she lifts you up. She listens. When times are tough a good friend can share some perspective and soften the blow with a hug and an empathetic heart. She would never berate you for small failings, or suggest you should indeed feel badly for a miniscule mistake. Can you do this for yourself? What would that feel like? Amazing I think. Women often do so much for so many others and save the ugly left-overs for themselves. I'm thinking those left-overs ought to go straight to the trash! Smile at yourself in the morning. Look at yourself and see your very best friend in the mirror. Let your heart sing knowing you have support and love and compassion with you at every moment. When life gets hard turn to your own bosom buddy, hold her hand, lift her spirits and things might just seem easier.