Shiny Balls of Stress

11:00 AM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

Finally let that pesky cold catch me. I always think with all the spinach I eat, miles I jog, gallons of hand soap I use, I'll never get sick. Occasionally mid-Winter I'll feel the tickle in my throat but it'll be gone by Noon. I'm usually the person making soup and grilled cheese for someone else on the couch.
So, when I do get sick, it means something to me. It means I've let down my defenses and weakened my immune system just enough to let those bugger germs get in!
I had a feeling it was coming. Overall I feel strong and healthy but haven't been at my best since going home to Arkansas in September. When I returned I vowed to get back into the weight room and revamp my routine. I'm proud to say I've stuck to it and have the Christmas tree lifting ability to prove it. My nutrition is consistent, even through the holidays, and I feel norished and well sustained. What is the missing piece here? What has kept me feeling slower and heavier? Stress. Stress! It sure can be hard to avoid in this world with our crazy, busy, daily lives. And stress can have a drastic effect on how everything we do, how we eat, sleep, exercise and can absolutely wreak havoc on well intentioned fat-loss plans.
I've let it get to me and let it settle it and it's time to kick it out! And take this cold with it!
I resolve to tackle this Now and keep my New Year resolutions for something more fun and suitable for a sparkly dress and a party hat. Being with awareness. Find ways to release the stress, to temper it, quell it, dispel it and find better ways to cope with whatever shiny ball of stress gets the best of you.