
1:07 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 2 Comments

On my way home from a four day fitness conference in Toronto, Canada -- the largest one in the world! Toronto is an incredible city. Sidewalk cafes and restaurants lined the downtown streets and people biked and rollerbladed everywhere! (Yeah, rollerblading is still cool in Canada:) Most of my time was spent attending lectures and workshops but I was able to take a run by the waterfront and enjoy some of the nightlife. I'm currently plopped down in the Charlotte, NC airport with achey muscles and a brain reeling with learning. Anxious to spend the long flight home reviewing all my notes so I can be sure to remember the best of all the information I absorbed. Be home soon and I'll write more about it -- if you are one my clients -- I'm thinking Kettlebells and fancy push-ups -- it's gonna be GOOD!!


  1. So good to have you back, Remy. It's fun that you learned new moves for us although the kettle bell thing this morning was, well, brutal! Glad too fancy push-ups isn't new apparel for your students. I'm a boy, y'know.

  2. Nice one, Doug. Glad to be back. There's plenty more where that came from:)
