One of those Days
Just a little off all day. A slow start this morning left me playing catch-up by lunch time. Funny how that happens. I felt like I had too much time and ended up running late. This meant a rushed lunch. Not ideal. It is important that we slow down to eat. It's good to take time preparing a plate with the right stuff and sitting down to enjoy the flavors. I made a gigantic healthy salad, my usual lunch, but, felt rushed while I ate. I tried my best to make the experience a good one -- I turned off the t.v., closed my computer and tried to sssllllloooowwwww doooowwwwn. Yikes! It's late! Shovel it in and GO!Erg. Just not great for the tummy. It is much easier for our systems to use the nutrients in the food we eat properly, feeding our cells, muscles and mind when we take time to help the digestive process. When we eat too quickly and sometimes even forget to chew! our belly's tend to revolt and store the glob of turkey burger as fat. No one wants that! Another bonus of taking time to savor our meals is we that we eat less. It takes our bodies a good 20 minutes to register fullness. This is why when we rush through our meals we often still feel hungry for more. In order to keep your calories in check and your belly happy, go slowly, chew well, enjoy.
I know this simple thing just isn't that easy! When we are pressed for time, or it's been too long since we last ate, our fingers can't get the food to our mouths fast enough! I'll tell you right now this is the time to step in and save yourself! Wait a second! What am I doing standing here in the kitchen with cracker crumbs on the counter?!?!! Step back, sit down, deep breathe. Try again:)