Plan of action and um, in-action?

10:36 AM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

I had my sights set on that last race in Salem. I am happy with my result. I am overwhelmingly pleased with my first ever cyclocross season. I am happy and I am hooked. Now what?! I'm already thinking about and planning for next season! I've been reading and researching how to handle the 'off-season' to set myself for an ever better showing, more strength, speed, power and stamina. I know quite a bit about periodization training in the weight room but not so much when it comes to bike specific goals. But, I love to learn and I am eating up the information.

Here's what I've come up with for now....

Last race (key race) 11/20/10 - !2/1/10 : Ten delicious days of 'recovery'. Read: eating and drinking and walking and relaxing. I was whole-heartedly looking forward to this reprieve from training my body and mind. I still struggle letting rest be restful. I am always itching to move, sweat and work-it-out. But, I am giving it my best shot. Today I'm headed to pick up my season's pass and strap on my snowboard for the first time since last Winter. Can't wait to see how my legs like that!

The month of December: Back to the gym! I can't tell you how excited I am to sit my butt in that leg press machine. Squats, lunges, jumps! I've missed you. I'm going to let December be a special month. A gift. I'm going to try pilates, yoga, maybe kick-box? step? swim? I'm going to do all the things I stopped doing while training for cross. I only plan to have my butt on the bike to commute and teach Spin class on Monday nights. This month I will probably have to pay more attention to diet and nutrition as I shift away from hard-core racing and into more moderate cardio and strength training. More on this as I figure it out.

January: Back to the bike in a big way.