Spin Class: What a Relief

10:15 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

Since I've been racing on most Sundays for the past few months my regular Adrenaline cycle class hasn't exactly suffered but it hasn't been the same. After a few weeks I realized I wouldn't physically be able to put in my post-weekend energy stores into full effect on the bike. This is because I no longer had any! Saturday was spent riding casually to prepare for Sunday. Sunday was spent pedaling my heart out. By Monday evening I was almost sick of the bike. Almost. After a few 'weak' classes in a row, low-energy, low calorie burn, and just overall blahness I realized I'd have to rethink this thing. Then someone told me about a recovery ride. Thanks, Sara Fletcher. She suggested I use Monday night's class to pedal out the weekends race, teach, focus on kicking the classes egger butts and relax! What a relief!

Now that the race season is coming to an end I wonder what Monday nights will be like?

Too early to tell, but tonight was fun! Thanks to everyone who came out in the "wintery mix" and gave it their all! You make Monday night an unexpected joy.