Stirring the pot.

7:05 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

It has been far too long since I've written - like, really written, anything on this blog. I love sharing recipes and silly snippets. But, I want to tell you more. I feel disappointed and somewhat guilty. Writing is what I love to do, along with adventuring, reading, working and riding. 2011 has begun a whirling, weaving, Winter of good news and bad. I've been wanting to express myself and work things out with words but haven't been able to bring myself to the desk. I'm starting to get moving again. I'm beginning to get myself into a more regular routine. Slowly. Slowly getting back on my bike and into the wild. And now I want to share. I want someone to ride with...I want someone to write to. So, I'm getting back on the bike and pointing the wheel.

Tonight I'm at home tending to my dear husband after a pretty big knee surgery. He too wants to get back on the bike, set a course and enjoy the ride. I'm hoping his fixed-up knee gives him the confidence and strength.

This is what it takes, however wavering, to ride and write with conviction.