Eating Well for One

9:44 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 2 Comments

Home alone this weekend. And, of course, while I miss my dear man already, I always think this is kind of fun. A girls gotta have some personal time once in a while! First thing I did was take a sweet, uninterrupted after work nap, delicious. I woke up and remembered it was Friday - even better. The sunshine called me out and onto my bike. I headed up to ride the trails on Tabor. Swooping, spinning, and climbing out there on my own felt freeing and powerful. It felt good to push my sleepy legs and tackle each of the challenges in front of me, hills, rocks, corners. I'd think about turning for home after each climb and then decided to try one more time. After an good hour long ride I sped downhill to the grocery store in town. Inspired by a client, friend and chef to try a new recipe I picked up a small portion of true cod (5 oz), cherry tomatoes, a fennel bulb (which I asked the produce worker to chop in half), a bunch of red collard greens and ONE dark chocolate truffle. Riding home the air burst with freshness and gaggles of overly watered Portlanders soaking it in. Ahhhh. The next step on my Friday night alone involved a ginger martini and a hot shower. Relaxation - bring it on!

Here's what I made for dinner. Don't be afraid to cook for yourself. Good, healthy cooking really can be easy and fun. Although, Thai takeout can seem like the simplest option, spending time in the kitchen and savoring your own creation is far more rewarding. Really.

Easy peesy gourmet meal for one.

Cod with fennel, garlic and tomatoes served with grilled asparagus on a bed of greens and cous cous.

Ask the fish guy for a single serving of fish. They're happy to give you want you want, just ask.
1) Heat skillet with a spritz on olive oil.
2) Place cleaned, salt and peppered fish in the hot pan.
3) Add one clove chopped garlic, a handful of cherry tomatoes and a tablespoon or two of sliced fennel.
4) Cook all together for a few minutes or the fish is 1/4 of the way cooked -- lightly brown on each side.
5) Transfer to baking dish, sprinkle with Italian fresh herbs. I used dried oregano and basil.
****Bake until fish is tender and flakey, about 15 minutes at 400 degrees****

6) Saute the amount of greens you want in the warm pan.
Ok, almost done! When the fish is flakey you're about ready to eat! I scooped the greens onto my plate, shook on some hot sauce, topped with a half cup left over cous cous then placed the fish and yummy, hot garlic, fennel, tomato mix on top. Awesome! Dinner for one, easy, delicious and nutritious.

The rest of my evening involves inspired food writing, tv watching and truffle nibbling. Marvelous.

(Miss you, Honey:)