Consistency is Key - Or a little goes a long way.

2:17 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

Another beautiful Thursday! Hooray!

I hope all of you get a chance to soak up at least a little of this sunshine.

This weeks thoughts are all about 'sticking to it' and how important that is to reaching your fitness goals...or any goals for that matter.

"Consistent training, not extreme training, is the way to attain the highest possible fitness." Triathletes Bible.

Getting sick, over-training, not resting enough or resting too much can cause training (or workout) patterns and habits to fall apart. Spending too long 'out of the saddle' so to speak, can cause a loss in fitness that requires considerable work to rebuild. And we all know how hard it can be to re-motivate after a vacation or time off. The best thing you can do (even when swamped with obligations) is at least little something everyday. Don't feel like you have to ride 12 miles and swim for two hours to gain and keep your fitness. On days that overwhelm your time, squeeze in some stretching and a brisk evening walk. While your are on vacation take a few minutes before getting ready for dinner to do squats, lunges, crunches and push ups. Consistency must remain your priority. The result will be continued motivation, fitness gains and success in reaching your ultimate fitness goals. Here, a little really can go a long way! So, although you should set your sights big and "Manifest the BEST" always strive for moderation and regularity in both training and resting/recovering on your way to achieving your goals.

See below for ways to keep fit when you can get to the gym.

Working Out while Traveling: Easy and effective in-room exercises. Fitness on the GO! Here’s a do-anywhere workout:
· Do 1 minute of each exercise. Lower body, Upper body, Core, Cardio

o Warm-up: Lunges with reach and lunges with twist

· Sit down and get-up squats

· Push-ups (options)

· Bicycles Crunches

· Mtn Climbers (slow or quick)

· Skater lunge with Bend

· Tricep-Dips

· V-up Abs

· Jumping Jacks

· Plie with calve raise

· Suitcase Row (or purse!)

· Russian Twists

· Side Jumps

· Lateral lunge to Balance

· Boxers

· Plank

· Stretch: Quads, Hamstrings, Gluts, Triceps and Shoulders
Have a great week!