The Test of Endurance

12:58 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

I can't believe this is what I am about to ride. Packing up the car and heading with two friends down to Blodgett, OR for my very first 50 mile cross country mountain bike race. Should I even call it a race?!?! Having never done anything this long before, or crazy (no training), I can only imagine what to expect. Imagining my race ahead of time is a critical component to my preparation. If I can mental see myself through the trees, over the logs, up the hills and through the finish I can also put a smile of my face and a medal in my hand. 'Seeing' things ahead of time takes some of the edge off. Even if I'm basically making things up as I go along. For several nights before the race I'll ride the course in my mind. This one takes a lot longer! I've fallen asleep before the finish line twice!!! Finally got through it all last night and I felt great! I can't believe I just rode that fast for 50 miles. I can't quite read the results board - is that a 1st or a 4th? did I finish in 6hr:59min or 6hr:39min? Doesn't matter right now. I figured out how to pace myself and push myself at the same time. I'm done. I'm smiling. Will I do it again? Let's go see!!