Ten Tips - (first five!)

8:03 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

OK. Time for a challenge! (Why wait until New Years!?) All of the students in this seasons fat loss class – “Better Food, Better Fit” are taking this on. Try it too and you can lose weight, speed up a sluggish metabolism and feel better than ever in 30 days. It takes 21 days to make a new habit stick. Do your best to stay focused and follow closely.
Here are the first 5 of 10 habits to make you healthier and happier this fall.
Here’s to the fittest October ever!

Do this…
1. Go bigger at Breakfast. Front load your day. Eat the most in the morning. Aim to get something in your belly 30-90 mins after waking. If you can make this a substantial meal you can ward off mid day munchies and set yourself up for more good choices all day long.

2. Where’s the beef? Ok, now we know we shouldn’t be loading up on Big Macs! But, ask yourself as you look at your plate at every meal and snack – where’s the protein?? Protein helps restore muscles after workouts, balances hormones and blood sugar and can help us lose extra weight. Make sure you are getting enough. Try 4 oz of fish or chicken, ½ c lentils, 1 scoop protein powder, ¼ pumpkin seeds.

3. Choose carbs wisely. Go for the best! Eat high fiber whole grains in the appropriate portion sizes during the day to give you energy. Consider keeping dinner more protein and veggie focused. Here are some examples of good grain servings…3/4 c slow oats, 1 slice whole grain bread, ½ brown rice. Skip the white stuff like potatoes and rice.

4. Fill your day with colorful fruits and veggies. Soak in the last of summer fruits and berries. Enjoy the bounty of fall! Add squash to tomato sauce, toss spinach in your smoothies, pile up that salad with beans of all sorts. No one got fat on carrots and celery sticks, seriously – Eat up!

5. Top it off with healthy fat. Good dietary fat is a misnomer. Healthy fats, monounsaturated ones like olive oil, avocado and flax actually help the body shed unneeded fat. Be sure to mind your portion sizes and add a ‘sprinkling’ of these fats with each meal and snack. Try few walnuts on your salad, slivered almonds in the stir-fry and this slices of avocado on your sandwich or morning muffin.
Integrate these 5 habits into your nutritional lifestyle and read loads of benefits. You should feel fuller, more energized and more vibrant. Try it today and see how great you can feel in 30 days. Trust me you won’t look back! Be sure to get regular exercise – strength train 2-3x a week, stretch, move, move, move.

Yup, You are worth it! !