Why it helps to have help.

10:52 AM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

It has been two weeks since signing on with Coach Ann to try taking my swimming, biking, running to "the next level". For three years I have been training, coaching and motivating myself to learn how to put these disciplines together in working order. So far so good. Becoming an athlete post-college has been one of my proudest accomplishments. Finally, I am doing it for me. At 33 years old I am having way more fun pushing my body than I ever did in high-school! And reaping a greater reward.

As spring and summer approached this year I realized I really wanted to up my game and had no idea how to do it. I had reached the end of the line as far as my own knowledge of the sport, how to train for it, how to race it, and how to do it better than before.  So, I asked for help.  Even trainers need trainers.  

I knew I wanted to take advantage of my passion and excitement to train and excel -- but I didn't know where to set my sights, how to set my next goals or what to do next. This is exactly what coaches and trainers are made for! Helping my own clients clear the clouds, discover a truly motivating goal and keeping their eyes on the prize is what I do best. Sometimes we really do just need some perspective!  "Ah ha, of course, yes! yes! That's what I want! Ok, now what??? Oh, ok! I can do that!" And we're off and running -- often literally.