Thursday Thoughts Ed. 96 - Better Together

8:38 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

Studies conducted by the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine conclude that working out with a partner makes weight-loss easier. That’s cool. Easier is nice. And so is having a partner. Whether you are on a mission to drop a few pounds, kick up your fitness or just keep fit and feeling great, having a few friends can help and here are some reasons why.

First of all, its fun! I love riding my bike, but when I’m heading out on a long ride with a buddy or two it’s a real blast. Even when we are slogging up a grueling hill or miles and miles from home it feels great to know I’m not alone.  Hitting the road or the trails with girlfriends is a great time to push the limit and work together to run a little faster before recovering and laughing and sharing stories.

You won’t cancel. Chances are if you’ve made a date with a pal to meet at the gym after work you’ll keep it. It’s too easy sometimes to talk ourselves out of a workout  if we feel time crunched or tired but when you’ve got someone waiting for you you’re more likely to just go.

You can make it work. Sometimes the only way I get to see my crew is to plan workouts. We all have such busy schedules and making time to connect can be tough.  But, if you’ve got a workout buddy, you can coordinate weekend meet-ups,  share a baby sitter or take turns hosting healthy dinners.  

You can support and celebrate.  Congratulating yourself isn’t as rewarding as when you’ve got someone to celebrate with you. Surrounding yourself with people whose goals and motivations are similar to yours makes sticking to healthy eating and exercise far more likely. Good choices lead to more good choices, so pick pals who want to make them too.

Need help finding a buddy? Let me know and maybe I can help! Got a plan you haven’t seen in a while, suggest taking a yoga class together than grabbing a coffee. Look on Facebook for friends heading out for lunch runs or planning workouts.

It’s better together.