How fit are you!?!

4:56 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

How are you measuring your fitness?
Getting on the scale everyday isn’t the only or best way to gauge progress. In fact, too often the number on the scale does less to inspire and more to discourage.
Trying to fit into a certain pair of pants can work too. Taking detailed circumference measurements or body fat calculation is a more advanced and particular method. What are you really proving? You can see that you are getting smaller or bigger. But are you getting any fitter?
Chances are if you’ve been dedicated to your training program you are feeling stronger and you can workout harder and longer. This is great! But without a method to quantify your progress you are missing some key pieces of information that will help you continue to improve. Coaches and trainers use performance tests to evaluate athletes and client’s particular abilities and challenges. They use this information to create and change training plans to get better results. Without this information you may be wasting time and energy working out in ways that aren’t actually helping you reach your goals.

First of all figure out where you want to go. Review your goals monthly, seasonally and yearly. If you don’t know where you want to go you risk not knowing if you ever get there.

Once you have a goal or two – make a plan. This plan is your workout routine: cardio program, nutritional plan and strength training
Now let’s test it out! Is the number on the scale going in the direction you want? Can you lift heavier weights at high reps? Good! But how much fitter are you really getting? Or maybe things aren’t so clear. You haven’t lost weight but you fit in those pants. What is going to keep you motivated when the numbers aren’t perfect or you’ve reached your goal weight?
At NWPT we give our clients performance assessments every few months. The results of these tests help keep everyone on track. Seeing improvement in mile-run time, push-up reps and core strength is so exciting! Coming up a little short in any area really helps identify what to work out for the next training period.

September is a perfect month to test your fitness. The summer has passed and winter looms. It’s important to check in and stay on track this time of year.
Congrats to all of you who took the tests with me this week! You all rocked! So fast! So strong! We are going to have a tremendously fit fall!

Want to test yourself? Follow the steps we use at NWPT and record your results.. Take a look at what needs work and change up your current routine. Test again in 2 or 3 months! Better yet set up an appointment with a trainer to coach you and put you through the paces – it’s way more fun!

1 mile Treadmill Walk Run Record Minimum Time
Dumbbell Bench Press Men: 35lbs Women:20 lbs Record Maximum Reps
Indoor Bike 5 mins on level 10 Maximum Distance
Assisted Pull-ups (machine) Men: 50% of body weight Women: 70% Record Max. Reps
Rowing: 500meters at Level 5 Record Minimum Time
Plank/Hover: Maximum Time
Jump Rope: 1 Minute Record # of Revolutions
Push-Ups: Max. Reps

Have fun and let me know how it goes!