Kitchen Makeover Quiz

9:51 AM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 1 Comments

Hi Everyone! As the season changes and fall approaches it's time to reassess nutrition and fitness habits that may have slipped some over the summer. If you have kids back in school or have been traveling a lot it is important to take a look around your kitchen and be sure you have a great set up for providing you and and your family the most nutritious and delicious meals. The following is a quiz I give to my nutrition coaching clients that helps us turn 'dirty' kitchens into 'clean' ones! With a smartly stocked kitchen you are set up for success in reaching your health and weight loss goals. The fall session of my Fat Loss Class begins this coming Tuesday evening at 7pm. Part of the program will focus on kitchen makeovers and how to get yours into tip top shape. There are still spots available for newcomers and returning students. Feel free to write me with any questions about class or your score on this quiz! Let's get to it!

There’s a fundamental law of human nutrition that goes like this:

If a food is in your possession or located in your residence, you will eventually eat it.

(Whether you plan to or not, whether you want to or not, you’ll eventually eat it! Trust me.)

Therefore, according to this important law of human nutrition, if you wish to be healthy and lean, you must remove all foods that aren’t part of your healthy eating program and replace them with a variety of better, healthier choices.

How do you know which foods have got to go and which foods can stay? Simply answer the questions below by selecting the response most appropriate to your situation. Once you’ve completed all the questions, your score will be calculated. And remember, be honest. You’re doing this exercise to find out whether your kitchen is in good shape.


1. Do you have the following items in your kitchen?

* Good set of pots and pans * Scale for weighing foods
* Good set of knives * Sealable containers for carrying meals
* Spatula * Small cooler for taking meals to work
* Blender * Shaker bottle for drinks and shakes
* Tea kettle * Food processor

a) I have all of them. (–5) b) I have more than half of them. (–2) c) I have less than half of them. (+2) d) I don’t have any of them. (+5)

2. Do you have the following items in your pantry?

* Whole oats * Extra virgin olive oil
* Quinoa * Vinegar
* Whole-grain pasta * Green tea
* Natural peanut butter * Protein supplements
* Mixed nuts * Fish oil supplements
* Canned or bagged beans * Green foods supplements

a) I have all of them. (–5) b) I have more than half of them. (–2) c) I have less than half of them. (+2) d) I don’t have any of them. (+5)

3. Do you have the following items in your fridge or freezer?

* Extra-lean beef * At least four varieties of fruit
* Chicken breasts * At least five varieties of vegetables
* Salmon * Flax seed oil
* Omega-3 eggs * Water filter
* Packaged egg whites * Sweet potatoes
* Real cheese

a) I have all of them. (–5) b) I have more than half of them. (–2) c) I have less than half of them. (+2) filter d) I don’t have any of them. (+5)

4. Do you have the following items in your pantry?

* Potato or corn chips * Chocolates or candies
* Fruit or granola bars * Soft drinks
* Regular or low-fat cookies * Regular peanut butter
* Crackers * At least four types of alcohol
* Instant foods like cake mixes and mashed potatoes
* Bread crumbs, croutons, and other dried bread products

a) I have all of them. (+5) b) I have more than half of them. (+2) c) I have less than half of them. (–2) d) I don’t have any of them. (–5)

5. Do you have the following items in your fridge or freezer?

* At least four types of sauces * Baked goods
* Juicy steaks or sausage * Frozen dinners
* Margarine * At least two types of bread or bagel
* Fruit juice * Take-out or restaurant leftovers
* Soft drinks * Big bowl of mashed potatoes or pasta

a) I have all of them. (+5) b) I have more than half of them. (+2) c) I have less than half of them. (–2) d) I don’t have any of them. (–5)

6. Do you have bowls of candy, chips, crackers, or other snacks sitting around at home?

a) Yes (+5)
b) No (–5)

7. When you have parties or dinner guests, do you serve them what you think they’ll want or what you think is healthy?

a) What I think is healthy (–3)
b) What I think they want (+3)

8. When food shopping, do you buy economy-sized bags, or do you buy smaller portions?

a) More than half of the time I buy economy-sized bags. (+3)
b) More than half of the time I buy smaller portions. (–3)

9. How often do you shop for groceries?

a) Fewer than three times a month (+5)
b) About once a week (–1)
c) More than once a week (–5)

10. Do you keep food in plain view around the house?

a) Yes (+3)
b) No (–3)

11. Do you think healthy eating means low-fat eating?

a) Yes (+2)
b) No (–2)

12. If someone were to point to a food in your kitchen, would you know whether it was composed of mostly carbohydrate, protein, or fat?

a) Yes (–2)
b) No (+2)

13. When you prepare meals from recipe books, do you use those that contain healthy recipes?

a) Most of the time (–5)
b) About half of the time (0)
c) Almost never (+5)

14. Do you prepare meals in advance to take with you to work, on day trips, or on vacations?

a) Yes, always (–5)
b) More than half the time (–2)
c) Less than half the time (+2)
d) Almost never (+5)

15. Are you hesitant to throw out unhealthy leftovers or gift foods that don’t fit into your nutritional plan?

a) Yes, I hate throwing food out (+5)
b) No, more than half the time I throw this stuff out (0)
c) No, I always throw this stuff out (–5)


32 to 63 points

You’ve scored high on the kitchen overhaul questionnaire. But this high score means you’re not doing so well in the kitchen department.
In fact, if your kitchen stays in this condition you’ll have better luck winning the lottery than getting great body composition, health, and
performance results. Since you’re in need of an Extreme Makeover – The Kitchen Edition, here’s what to do:

Step 1: Go grab an extra-large shopping bag.
Step 2: Without thinking about it, open that bag up and with your forearm, sweep every offensive food item from your fridge, freezer, and cupboards right in. These include all items from questions 4 and 5 above.
Step 3: Wave goodbye as this food rolls away on the back of a garbage truck. If you feel better bringing these items to a food bank do so. Although they aren’t the healthiest options it’s possible to use this food for good.
Step 4: Get to the grocery store immediately, and pick up the foods listed in questions 2 and 3 above.

0 to 31 points

Your kitchen’s not the worst I’ve seen, but could certainly use some improvement here and there. Take a look at the inventory above
and make sure you’ve got all the items listed in questions 1 through 3 and fewer of the items from questions 4 and 5. Begin shopping
more frequently, eating fresher items, and being more aware of the foods that you’re eating and when. Only then will you be equipped
for success.

–31 to –1 points

Nice job; you’re doing pretty well in the kitchen department. In fact, with a few minor tweaks, your kitchen will be 100% ready to go.
Revisit the questions above and figure out exactly what it’ll take to get closer to a perfect score of –63.

–32 to –63 points

Don’t let the negative scores fool you! Negative scores on the kitchen overhaul questionnaire mean that you don’t need much of a
makeover. And that’s great! Congratulations on your kitchen set-up. With your kitchen full of these good foods (like those listed in
questions 2 and 3 above) and the right appliances, you’ll be the envy of all your fitness- and nutrition-conscious friends.

Let me know how your kitchen scored!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi friends!! I have consulted to a dietician and he suggested me to take Green supplements regularly. I was very surprised to know that green supplements only contain natural products that don’t harm us in any way. I liked this fact. I will definitely take these supplements.
