Ack! I ate this!?!?!

10:00 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

And this is only half of the wrapper! The rest listed is...more corn syrup (sugar), hydrogenated oils (sugars), brown sugar powder (sugar) and then, more sugar! OMG!

I was running out of the house this morning and realized I hadn't restocked my healthy snack supply for busy days when I need something quick and easy to eat at work. I am rarely left searching for healthy choices as I am almost always planning ahead, like way ahead. But, today caught me off guard. I tossed an apple in my bag and then raided my husband's shelf (where we keep the chips, pretzels and candies) for some sort of energy bar. We keep these things on hand for grab n' go, bike races, ski trips etc.

I haven't had a Tigers Milk bar in YEARS! They were on sale at the grocery last week and I tossed a few in our cart. I used to eat these things all the time when I was working out and training all the time. Back then I cared mostly about getting enough calories to sustain my workout and not too many to exceed my deficit. Tigers Milk fit in my diet with only 140 calories and a good burst of energy. I never read the label. Years later as a personal trainer and nutrition coach I'd never let this sort of thing pass my clients lips. And I ate one!!! Then I read the label. Only 6 grams of protein and 12 grams on sugar. Needless to say, I passed out for an hour after a hyperactive morning shift! Don't let this happen to you. Weird and gross.

On that note.

Let's pull back the wrapper on energy bars shall we!?

When clients ask me "What kind of protein bars are best?" I usually pause for a moment before twisting my face up and finally giving an answer. I'll start with the bottom line. Don't rely on these types of foods for your daily nutrition. They don't do that much good. When you are traveling, on-the-go or in-a-pinch energy bars have their place. But "energy" really just means calories and you can get those anywhere. Don't fall for the hype. "Energy bars" really are most often just that, calorie bars. There isn't anything special about them.

But, if you need a quick energy source let's go over some of the best tips for choosing a bar.

1. Read the label.
2. Look for a bar with the least ingredients.
3. Watch for fillers like sorbitol and soy. (These may lower the sugar and calorie count but aren't easily digested and have no nutritional value.)
4. Ignore the marketing. Tigers Milk claims to be 'high in protein' as well as 'Americas Favorite Energy Bar (Well, I almost believe that!)

Most bars claim unbeliveable benefits like, all day energy, mounds of protein, and other magical properties. Don't buy it.

What you need is nutrition. The bars with nuts and fruits and little else are best. They may have a high calorie count but that's O - it's real energy.

Here are some good ones..Kind Bars, Lara Bars, Clif C bars. Add a pice of fruit for added 'energy'.

Better yet. Make your own. Here is a wonderful adaption of a Bobs Red Mill version from a friend, client and healthy eater. Thanks Anne!

High Protein Energy Bars
(adapted from recipe from Bob's Red Mill)

12 oz Carob Chips
8 oz Peanut Butter or nut butter of choice
1/2 c butter or margarine (This seemed like a lot so I used 1/4 cup and a splash of olive oil and they turned out fine.)
1 c Sunflower Seeds, raw/shelled
1 c Coconut, unsweetened/fine shred
1/2 c Sesame Seeds, natural
1 cup Wheat Germ
**any other good stuff you want to add like pumpkin seeds, ground flax, nonfat dry milk powder, Brewer's Yeast, etc.

1) Coat 9X13 pan with spray oil of choice
2) Melt together carob chips, peanut butter and margarine
3) Stir in all other ingredients till mixture starts to stick together. It will be crumbly!
4) Press into prepared pan.
5) Chill and cut. Store in refrigerator.

Make the best choice you can, as often as you can.
