Thursday Thoughts Ed. 34 - Body Work

11:01 AM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

When your body "talks" do you really listen? Do you understand what it's saying?

I believe one of the most important parts of being and staying healthy is the ability to listen to your body - to possess "body wisdom." A deep awareness of your body, it's capabilities and it's limitations can help you achieve and maintain extraordinary health. People who are fluent in their body's language are better able to recognize when they need to rest and when they need to take a nice long run. Our bodies are unique and complex and all react differently to things from stresses and situations to exercises and foods.

A key to good health and vibrancy is to be keenly aware of how certain foods make you feel - do they energize you or do they weigh you down? I know, for example, that starting the day with a protein loaded egg sandwich keeps me running while a bowl of more carb-rich oatmeal leaves me wanting. What foods make you feel great?

Think about it this week and try to eat more of them, more often.

Deep body awareness is also critical when trying to maintain and improve physical fitness. There is more to just knowing how good it feels to move and once you get that first dose of dopamine this is easier to understand. People who obtain a high level of fitness and health make their nutrition and exercise plans work for them. They take note of how their bodies respond - it feels good to stretch, energizing to run and fun to take dance classes. They pay close attention to works and what doesn't and as time goes on what needs to change. If results seem to be slowing or have stopped then they re-evaluate and revamp their routines and techniques.

The language of your body isn't hard to learn - you just have to know how to listen.

Look below for info about the session of Better Food Better Fit - Fat Loss class. It's starting soon and I'm thrilled to have great new information and helpful tools for you to make healthy eating and good living your reality.

And if you are suffering the winter rainy blahs we've got just the thing for you! Check out THIS!

It's not too late to go snowshoeing this weekend! Sign up and check it off your bucket list.

Trying to pay attention,

Better Food, Better Fit
Fat Loss Program
Class Outline…

This class will show you simple ways to optimize workouts, plan meals, how to cook
nutritious foods and have fun doing it. With built in accountability and professional
coaching this could be the beginning of the best year of your life.

WE are also excited to be able to offer a NEW special drop-in option for graduates
of the class! This is a perfect way to keep up the momentum and refresh your healthy
lifestyle tool kit. Join as many of the 10-week classes as you want for $15 a class.
Below is a preliminary class outline. New Year, New You!

Week One: Who are you and who do you want to be? And The 5 most important
things to do to lose fat. We’ll take initial measurements and the “what's in your
kitchen quiz” to get things started off strong!
Week Two: What should I eat? We'll cover exactly what foods to eat to lose fat.
Week Three: What should I do? We'll cover how and just how much you need to
exercise to lose fat.
Week Four: Now what?! We'll figure out how to put it all together in YOUR life.
Week Five: Dinner date! A get together at Milo's City Cafe will allow you to
relax, enjoy each other and figure out to make good choices while dining out.
Week Six: Shopping Trip! How to navigate the grocery store and pick the best fat
fighting foods and how to prep them at home.
Week Seven: How to keep up the motivation and your metabolism.
Week Eight: Overcoming barriers. We'll tackle struggles and celebrate successes.
Week Nine: Class Review. We will cover anything left unanswered for YOU.
Week Ten: Wrap up and PARTY:)