Change your HABITS - Do the Work

8:46 PM Remy Maguire - Manifest the Best 0 Comments

#1 Set yourself up for SUCCESS: Ask yourself a few questions to get focused and steer your life in the right direction…
Where do I want to end up?
What can I do to be sure I get there and faster?
How am I doing? Is my plan working?
What do I need to do differently if I‘m of course?
Who do I need to be to be?

“Life isn’t about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself.” George Bernard Shaw

#2 ATTITUDE and Outlook: Check in everyday and find a way to boost yourself up. Think about it…
What would make me happy today?
What can I do to make sure I feel really good?
How can I make other people feel good so I can too?
How do I get in touch with the parts of me that make me feel really great?

“How you judge your self-esteem is how high you are likely to rise.  The reputation you have with yourself is the single most important factor for a fulfilling life.”

“Every achiever I have ever met says, ‘My life turned around when I began to believe in me.” Dr. Robert Schuller

#3 Get CLEAR about what is IMPORTANT:
What do you really want out of life?
What is most important to you?
In general, what motivates you?
What do you value most in life?

“People with goals succeed because they know were they are going.”

“There are two great days in a person’s life – the day we are born and the day we discover why.” William Barclay

#4 Watch your WORDS: Remember…
Language shapes our reality
Language represents thought
We use language to process our experiences
We believe what we say in our minds
Changing our words, changes our thoughts, which changes our reality

“We become what we thing about all day long.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
#5 Break Bad HABITS and make new ones: Take a look at your day, week, year? Notice what happens again and again.
Write it down.
Change a negative behavior at the front end.
Do something different. Anything.
Hook onto a new habit and go for it.

”Definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.” Albert Einstein.

“It’s not what we do once in a while; it’s what you do day in and day out that makes the difference.” Jenny Craig

#6 Get SMART:
S – SPECIFIC (I will lose weight v. I will lose 3 pounds this month)
M – MEASURABLE (I will exercise more v. I will hit the gym 3x/week)
A – ATTAINABLE (I will lose 15 lbs this month/ I will lose 3 pounds this month)
R – REALISTIC (I will workout every day/ I will workout at the gym 2x this week and add 500 steps to my day.)
T – TIME BASED (Have an end date in sight to stay on track. Don’t put it off.)

“It is the moments of choice that continually shape our lives, so choose wisely!” JJ Satangelo

#7 Take ACTION: Take a few minutes to think about this.
Are you ready? Really ready?
Are you ready and willing to change, to act?
Will you do whatever it takes?

“If one advances confidently in the directions of his dreams and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined he will meet a success unexpected in common hours!” Henry David Thoreau

#8 Stick to it. Be PERSISTANT and CONSISTENT: How are you going to make sure this happens?

“I will block out ________ minutes a day/OR week, to work diligently on my tasks and goals.”

“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not, nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not. Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education with not, the world is full of educated derelicts.  Persistence and determination are omnipotent!” Calvin Coolidge 13th President.

#9 Put it in the POSITIVE:
Reframe your beliefs and attitudes and give them an optimistic, confident spin.
Read NYTIMES Article J

“Excuses are the tools of the incompetent.” – Unknown.

“A negative attitude wipes out discipline.” Toni Robbins.

10 ways to improve/build self-esteem NOW

What 10 things do you really want to have this year? Write each one out in short, clear, concise sentences.

Rewrite your top 3 goals here…

What are you going to do NOW? Break your goals down into action steps here….

GET LEAN IN 2013 – TIPS to help you meet your weight loss goals….

Attitude and Skills and KNOWLEDGE = Success

1.     Keep a journal. Gather information.  Notice habits. Be detailed and specific.  How are you feeling now? Is your cholesterol too high? Do you have skin problems? Bloating? Unexplained weight gain? Headaches? Muscle aches?

2.     Drink water first thing every morning. Drink more water all day.  Aim for ½ of your body weight in ounces. Add a glass for every 30 mins of exercise, strength or cardio. Add a glass every day you drink alcohol. Drink more when  its hot outside.

3.     Think before you bite.  Go slowly. Chew. You deserve this time.  You deserve to understand your body. And most of all you deserve to look and feel fantastic. Taking the time to learn how you react will give you the power to control your weight for a lifetime. Remember: FLAB and HALT

4.     Fuel yourself from the start. Break your fast within the first hour of waking. Take note of how you are feeling this morning. Did you sleep well? Are you hungry? What sounds good to eat? This meal should get you ready for a great day, energized and satisfied.

5.     Focus on fruits and veggies. Eat more of them.  Steaming is great. Saute or roast to preserve natural sugars.  Know that fruits and veggies contain sugar. Natural, yes, but if you are getting too much of it, weight loss gets harder.

6.     Include lean protein at every meal and snack.  Try to consume 80-100 grams of protein daily. Greens and veggies with no protein won’t do it!
Beef, Lamb, Poultry, Beans, Fish, Eggs, Nuts and Seeds, Cheese.

7.     Fuel workouts with carbohydrates during or after. Choose carbs wisely.  One serving a day of dense carbs (rice, pasta, bread) seems best for most people on a mission for fat loss. When trying to lose weight save dense carbs for after a hard workout to use them up appropriately.

8.     Plan ahead. A week, a day…you have options, figure out what works best for you. This is important. Being prepared could be the #1 way to break out of a weight loss rut.  Use goal setting techniques to set yourself up for success.  Organizing meals and snacks ahead of time will help you act on your intentions and turn those small steps into habits.

9.     Have fun. Enjoy yourself! If wine is something you enjoy, have a glass or two of red – it’ll even help flush out sodium and act as a natural diuretic. Being stressed out will pack on the pounds. Truly, life is all joy, right?! If you want to maintain your glowing health and weight loss being joyful is a MUST!


Sunflower seeds: 5 g per ounce
Pumpkin seeds : 9 g per ounce
Almonds : 8 g per ounce
Cheese : 8 g per ounce
Chickpeas: 5 grams per ½ c
Chia seeds: 5 g per 2 TBSP
Rice: 5 g per 1 cup
Animal protein: about 7 g per ounce

FOODS FOR FAT LOSS                                                            FOODS TO AVOID

Egg whites
Garlic and Onions
Organic Spinach
Snow peas
Winter Squash
Nut butters
Apples and Pears


Flax Granola with Coconut Milk and Blueberries
Egg White Scramble with Veggies
Pear Slices with Nut butter
Yogurt with Pumpkin Seeds and Cinnamon